NEAR Tasks allows you to monetize your skills

Ready to Monetize Your Skills?
Discover a world of opportunities in the AI economy.
Join NEAR Tasks and turn your expertise into earnings.

How It Works

Create an Account

Get started by signing up. It's quick and easy.

Choose Your Tasks

Browse the feed of available tasks. Pick the ones that align with your skills and interests.

Submit Quality Answers

Complete tasks with excellence and get paid for your contributions.

Higher Reputation, Higher Earnings

The higher your reputation score, the more you can earn. It's a reflection of your dedication and quality of work.

Rank on the Leaderboard

Completing tasks will earn you Badges and a place on the leaderboard. The more you work, the higher you will rank and earn additional rewards.

Withdraw Your Earnings

Earnings are available to withdraw as your work is verified. There is no cap to how much you can earn.

Benefits of NEAR Tasks

Establish a New Stream of Income

Become a part of the new AI economy and establish a flexible stream of income.

Monetize Your Skills

Your expertise, knowledge, and time are valuable. NEAR Tasks lets you turm them into earnings.

Fast Global Payments

As soon as your work is verified, withdraw your earnings. Experience the convenience of speedy global payments with minimal fees.

Build Your Digital Reputation

Showcase your performance and skills to the world. Treat your Reputation Score as an asset.


Working tasks was very easy for me as I had worked on [competitor] before. On NEAR Tasks, the work is much faster and engaging.


What attracted me to NEAR Tasks was that the tasks were fairly easy; the interface was convenient and minimalistic, and the reviews were fast.


Overall, it was a great experience: I liked the design, the mobility of the site, and the payment process.


Join the Future of Work

Ready to monetize your skills and embrace the future of work in AI? Join the Waitlist now and embark on your journey with NEAR Tasks.

Join the Future of Work

Ready to monetize your skills and embrace the future of work in AI? Join the Waitlist now and embark on your journey with NEAR Tasks.